Defining First

 Almost every successful dropshipping store we encounter has one thing in

common: It specializes in a certain product or niche. The more that stores

specialize, the more successful they tend to be.

Even though we've covered about specializing and finding niche in a previous article. We consider that is really nice to make it clearer related to ecommerce marketing in this section.

It's really necessary to define your store, product, and costumer. If you're launching a store in a new niche you probably won't know what segment of your customers to focus on – and that's OK. Let's just try to answer these questions.

What makes your business unique?

Why will your merchandise appeal to customers?

Why would someone buy from you versus your competitor?

What are the primary differences between your company and your competitors?

At first glance, these questions might seem very basic and simple. If you start to

think about answering them in detail, you will soon find yourself thinking about

your business approach from a different perspective. This is good. Some of your

future customers will be asking you these questions. A quick marketing plan

outline would have the following questions and facts listed:

1. Describe our best customers:

a. Revenue level:

b. Type of business:

c. Size

2. Where do they come from?





The reason why you should define your stuff first is to know your best, strong, and your unique.